To properly put the date and time into a MySQL date field, you need to put it into the format of:

yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Here is some code to do this in classic ASP for input into a MySQL table:

Dim testdate, testmonth, testday, ISODate
testdate = Request.Form("frmField5")
testmonth = Right(Month(testdate),2)
testday = Right(Day(testdate),2)
ISODate = Year(testdate) & "-" & testmonth & "-" & testday & " " & hour(testdate) & ":" & minute(testdate) & ":" & second(testdate)

The ISODate variable is in the correct format to insert in a MySQL UPDATE or INSERT SQL statement. Below is an example SQL string to UPDATE a date field in a MySQL table:

UPDATE myTable SET thisdate = 'ISODate' WHERE myID = 'thisID'