Web & Internet Definitions

Thank you for using WebPaws.com’s accumulated and growing Dictionary on Internet and Web Definitions. This database of Internet and Web Definitions have been written and compiled for our clients and users convenience and education. If you have any new entries you’d like to contribute or corrections/additions to existing definitions, please submit them to: definitions@webpaws.com. Thank you!

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Definition of HTML

HyperText Markup Language is the original and the simplest display language for the Web. It defines the look of the screen background, the location of text and graphics, the appearance of text, (font, size, style, color, line breaks) and the creation of links. HTML uses simple commands called 'flags'. Flags are the 'Markup' part of 'Hypertext Markup Language'. Basic HTML lays things out on screen one below another, like a roll of paper towels. Basic HTML is not sophisticated. With basic HTML, if one thing changes on the screen, the whole screen is erased and the entire screen is redrawn.