ASP makes it easy to redirect a user to another page. This is a
useful trick for redirecting users after form submissions, protecting
content on your site by redirecting users to a login page, and pointing
an old page address to a new one.

Classic ASP header redirect (302 Object Moved)

At the top of your ASP document (before any HTML code), use the following code:

<% Response.Redirect("default.asp") %>

This example shows how to redirect a user to a page on your own
site, in the same directory as your redirect page. If you wanted to
redirect a user to a completely different website, simply use the full

<% Response.Redirect("") %>

The Response.Redirect declarative gives an “Object Moved,” or Status
Code 302 header response. If you want to permanently point an old page
address to a new one using ASP, see below.

Serving a permanent redirect (301) header status code

There may be an instance where you want to point an old page to a
new location. This can be accomplished in ASP by including specific
header information in your code snippet. The following example serves a
301 Redirect (“301 Moved Permanently”) to anyone who accesses the page.

Response.Status=”301 Moved Permanently”
Response.AddHeader “Location”, “”